Direct Hire

When companies looking for full-time employees invest in in-house recruiting, it means hiring recruiters for different functions and continually upgrading their skills to keep pace with the market. As hiring needs change, maintaining a recruiting organization can be very costly.

There is another way. ACS offers a number of options to meet your specific hiring needs:

  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing: ACS takes full responsibility for recruiting across skills and functions. We take care of the entire recruiting process and lifecycle from job openings to on-boarding. You will have a service delivery manager, a highly skilled recruiting staff onsite or offsite and hundreds of thousands of candidates in our resource pool. This reduces your risk of staffing or overstaffing your recruiting department, lowers costs considerably by eliminating salaries and increases speed of hire and productivity. This is a great model for volume hiring needs.
  • Recruiting Retainer: You retain ACS for a fixed time period and a specific assignment and we deliver results based on a service level agreement.
  • Contingency Recruiting: This approach is best for low and medium level skills. You pay us if and when you hire a candidate we present.
  • Candidate Sourcing: We generate names of potential candidates and/or determine their interest in working for your company. Your recruiters complete the recruiting cycle.

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